Paying for grading?
Drop your Destroyer name.
Hate this damn bug with a passion
Tbh, I did want the demons to become a standard, but I can see why they kept the originals in the remake
About fucking time
When does it get good?
Do you have a comfort VN you always find yourself returning to?
You summond Artoria as your Saber are you happy or would there another Saber you want?
John romita jr or John romita sr
First time meet Illya
How do you feel about the yellow lenses?
Your birth month is...
[DISC] Kagurabachi - Chapter 4
What do you think of this Persona character? Day 7
Fuck coomer bait, give her the Lion King armor
Kawai Arcuied
Do you think VNs are better than Novels? What were the VNs that most impacted your life? Why?
Between Arc and Saber who is objectivelly prettier?
NA players: What's your most anticipated servant that has yet to be added? I'll go first