I spend more time understanding myself, does this indicate me not being an INTJ?
accept it
promoting the stereotypes anyways (don't cry)
average entp i have met
am i like that too?
Stop being friendly to everyone
do you guys want XSXX type memes too?
Well, Well, Well -- they do follow the stereotypes at least
POLL - Which one of these tend to be more balanced ?
Attention craving INTJs, how would they behave?
Do you see this shoe as teal and gray or pink and white
Take it or die
Appreciation post
Where can I buy cheap books online?
What are some books you would recommend for self-improvement?
What would a Analyst household look like?
I was being attacked by my own people on my last two posts
social medias..
INTJ’s and Sleep
You know you're an INTJ when...
Any other INTJs that didn't like/watch cartoons and animation as a child?
When someone tells a story how do you get a general idea as to the big-picture meaning of the story?
Just took a test that was posted on mbti subreddit not sure how accurate it is