So after months of farming and horrible rolls, I might have perfected my Neuvillette build a little bit- (dw, I'm workin on triple crowning him)
Tiny build flex
What do you do when you find this guy?
Can someone explain this...
What is your favorite wepon solely based on its design?
What made you main Neuvillette?
What's the best looking artifact set in your opinion?
So this happened….
Is this a good artifact?
36 starred the abyss for the first time!
What's the highest damage you've dealt with Arlecchino in abyss?
This domain has to be a scam...
Guys i just reached ar 69 is this good?
Pretty proud of this one considering only around 34k other people have it
Why the wrong set? 😭
My first 50 cv artifact
What should I use
Hi! So basically I was hoping to get some tips/advice for building my arle, I know its not meta or anything but I would really appreciate a bit of help! (ik the talents need leveling, im working on it lol)
Im cooked
Just rolled this insane flower for Arlecchino...
Where can i improve my neuvi
How to farm Whimsy/Reverie
Question about teams
What do you like most about Arlecchino? What made you start maining her?
Is Tamayuratei no ohanashi good for Arlecchino?