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Kinder haben 20k geerbt
Guten Morgen ihr Wahnsinnigen, wo rein am Montag?
Wie 10k kurzfristig anlegen?
Verteidigung Europa
Größere Summe an der Börse verzockt
Wer auch immer letzte Woche sagte: "Rein in Rolls Royce!" Danke dir!
Statue of Amun Ra
Sollte man jetzt aussteigen?
(Civ 6) Best CIty-State for a Score Victory?
Germany: Several reported killed in knife attack in Solingen
Why monkeys are like that?
Coolest ability in the game?
What Unique buildings and Units would you want to see in Civilization VII? Part 4: Germany
BIDA, weil ich einigen Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund mit der Polizei gedroht habe?
I get dizzy just watching this
Patch 14.10 item preview - ADeadMansName
Who is the most skilled person ever (By far the GOAT) could be in any field, entertainment, sports, academics, etc?
What skin would you replace as a champs default skin?
Who's the worst Leader in Civ 6... as a Leader?
10 seconds of R/place
What's your excuse bajs?
YamatoCannon: Fnatic was 8-1 in scrims against Damwon KIA before Worlds 2021.
I am grateful. Ludwigs capital is Munic and his colour is blue