Relocation Repayment
Mental Health Services & Therapy
Disrespectful, low effort date plans
Is engineering really as lucrative as everybody makes it out to be?
Advise on accommodations and management
Medical Accommodations
Is it fair to give everyone the same percentage raise?
ACR Drum roll…lol
Culture Change
Fake scam email
Y'all should push for equity
Mandatory OT for Profs
AT&T Fiber Rollout in Higley Park
IT is useless
Advice Regarding Health & Workplace
What icks do women give men?
Help with W-4 and Insurance Contributions
So…how do you *actually* become more fuckable?
Salary Discussion/Sharing
Boeing braces for second heaviest loss on record
Cars on side of 202 Monday night
Avis rental car discount
Restoring trust
Some subreddits are run by a bunch of lily livered wussies who can't take a joke, and I guess we're one of them
401k, bond market index live chart?