Circles on cases
someone said you couldn't tastefully slap fifty stars on the Union Jack, so here's the stars AND the stripes
Food Cuboid, It Contains Nutrients
How can I spice things up when my husband won’t tell me what he is wanting?
"But he was moving his hands two minutes ago!" I protest through sobs, my son's motorcycle helmet slipping from my nerveless fingers.
My penis (foreskin) bled during my first time, someone should tells boys that's also a thing
I thought my science teacher said that light travels in a straight line?
I tried to make my own orange juice...
Just discovered landlord had two space heaters running 24/7 in the crawl space making my electric bill $700+ for the past year
The genie was confused when the woman wished for a skirt.
why is it hard to roll down my condom until i put pressure on it to make it roll down
"Oh boy I sure hope nobody has a Gunpowder Plot in the houses of parliament" I said in 1605.
How to Land a Field Operator Job with Class 4 Power Engineer Certification but No Steam Time
Im the type of girl that'll look you dead in the eye~
It’s not lupus, it’s never lupus.
American Peace Flag - do you prefer the dove?
“Do you wanna hold your baby brother?” I asked my five year old daughter as she smiled gleefully.
Introvert at office, is it a good plan or bad plan?
What is this supposed to mean? gyms = bad?
The teacher unlocked the room-sized time capsule with a smile, promising the students a glimpse into the lives of those who lived 50 years ago.
"Testicular Torsion," I cast on the evil wizard.
£10,000 or my book?
Didn't read the review guy 🪱
"Yer a Wizard Harry" I said to the boy with the dreamy eyes.
What are the chances she could get pregnant?