Who is water fasting for all of October?
This poor girl has been dealt a shit hand in life
what's the worst smell you've ever come across?
Forehead Wrinkles Botox
salad is underrated.
Well folks - here it is. The dark urine cybertruck in the Worcester wild.
What to do with stringy hair?
Are these hybrid lashes too much?
Textured skin/pores
How often do you wash your hair
How would you describe my nose?
would you take this?
Today's my birthday
How to you keep prepped food fresh for a week
How soon after starting peloton will I see results
Can't go more than 52 hours
Too many items ma boi 😂👍
[I ate] Katsu Curry
How do people have curly hair with no frizz
My hair is cooked
Found the upper limit
Angus Barbieri was a man who fasted for 382 days (1965/1966). He subsisted on tea, coffee, sparkling water, and vitamins. He lost 276 pounds (125 kg) and set a record for the length of a fast.
good wavy hair day :)
Statler again
[homemade] black velvet cake
This is ridiculous Instacart!