This is so disgusting
Anyone know much about Freebird boots? I really like these
What causes people who are otherwise very kind and smart to support Trump?
I hope someone else can relate - ex-pentacostal, current Christian, lost.
Looking for ex Christians.
Dc ex Christians
Why do Christians worry so much about gay sex???
Begging for help for 7 years
Help me pls
Help please
Help me please!!!!!
What do I do
Looking for an asexual. Guy or girl but guy preference. In the DMV
Is my sister in a dangerous cult? Berean? 4 kids 4 and under.
Christian Schools & Politics
What are some of the things that made you leave evangelical teachings/churches?
Christian subreddits keep banning me for asking theological questions :(
Real reason you became an ex-christian what was that reason?
Sexual Frustration In Christianity. Can we please talk about it?
How do you deal with sexual frustration as a (27F) virgin woman?
We Germans mourn this election too.
I think it’s hard for non-ex Christians to understand how fucked up we still are from believing this shit for so long
I am Peter Enns—I am a biblical scholar. Some people really like what I say. Some people really hate what I say--and I've lost a couple of jobs because of my views. AMA.
IsItBullshit: Using a vibrator on your clitoris can cause nerve damage and desensitize your clitoris.