What games have the best female main character?
Can i get a yuri when they actually married will be a bless of you
Why are we drawing Closure again?
Shamelessly stolen from r/actuallesbians
Does 'I can't say no to the lonely girl' have any smut at all?
How would people react to Genderswap version of Captain Rex?
Chapters break after a few pages
Looking for yuris with witches
Why is every girl I see from the US, where my EU girls at?
Weird one here: my meta is doing goofy s*** and making decks that can have ANY two Legendary Creatures as their Commanders as though they had both had Partner.
"Nuh Uh! Manabox Says It's A 3!"
Any operators' voiceline that lives rent free in your head?
What in the seven hentaiheaven is this peak manga do read if you haven't
anyone got a yuri where the girl confesses their love x someone who doesnt like them at first but eventually warms up?
Does some as precious as Pob Panus really exist?
This made me 10x more interested in this manga (Girl X Vampire)
Is it just me? Or is disney declining?
Can you help me finding the artist?
Deflecting Palm, Comeuppance, Inkshield... Which interactive commander strikes terror into the heart of attackers?
Need recommendations
I like yuri manga alot but......
super cute moment from: Harem Yori Heion o! Isekai de Shizuka ni NEET Hime sasete Kure
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