I gave some money to a homeless girl and she looked so scared
Preventing rabbits/other predators (rats?) from eating our garden! HELP!
Who are you choosing?
What seeds have you started this year?
How long do beet seeds remain viable?
Starting my first garden as an adult who has land to do with what they want....
2 Cherry tomatoes, 1 pot, is that a problem?
Which vine or climbing plant would you choose for a walk through trellis in your garden?
A video i found: Plants that revive dead soil
Fig tree 12 month progress
How it started vs how it’s going…fig tree edition
Ticks are abundant currently.
Growing food
What did i do to deserve homelessness?
How much space is everyone gardening this coming season?
Deciding what to grow in this greenstalk tower is hard.
Asparagus woke up
Made a free raised bed from logs, leaves and compost
What's the best foods to plant and grow in a shtf situation?
Any resources for a homeless couple in or near Raleigh, North Carolina. We also have one dog. We are open minded within reason and also looking for employment.
Garden started from bird seed?
Made 4 raised beds. My brother said they look like graves😅. Do I put wood around them?
I planted beets, broccoli plants, a blackberry bush and my sunflower seeds are growing in trays and cut out plastic bottles with drain holes. Just planted garbanzo beans in starter pots too.
Help! Whats wrong with my tomato seedlings. (yellow spots)