Season 3's worst addition
Fliktor Ending
The hardest part in the first game.
Potch Tip
I didn't realize when I played Suikoden 2 a few years back, but now I can see insane chemistry between Camus and Miklotov, so I drew them together, hope you like it !
The Horror
Need some specific types of rec.
Anime recommendations
Anime for kids
Suits LA Episode 4
I'm crying
Somebody know any anime with magic?
Iarno escorted to safety
What anime got a protagonist like korra
Can Jimmy Pesto cook?
Does Louis Get Better?
Welcome back, Mr. Specter!
ronnie bell named after stripper protester???
ronnie bell, a dancer in the 1970s protesting a play with sex acts that took business from strippers
How do I recruit a Chiyu Star?
Never watched anime, would love to start
Completed Animes
Recommend me an anime
Sandbox Thread XI
Where should Tina hide her journal? Wild answers only
For veterans of the franchise, is there anything you're gonna do differently when playing the remasters?