This imported _______ tastes delicious! I bet it’s from Canada.
In Night at the Museum (2006), this line is said. I'm not American and I don't get the joke (if there even is one). So, Peter, can you help me out?
What is something is portrayed as minor in movies but is actually a massive deal when it happens in real life?
Your wife is pregnant with your child, but if she gives birth the child will live and she will die, the only way to save her own life is to terminate the pregnancy. You can only save one, who are you saving?
I play all video games on mute
What are the last 5 digits of pi?
I love u/______________
Kissing your children on the mouth shouldn’t be done.
For men: Which of these would you rather be named when you were born?
We have smartphones, smart TVs, and pretty soon, we'll have smart _____!
Damn, son! Her body is a ten, but she’s got a _______ face.
Spirits, Is the simulation inside a simulation?
Wouldn’t men who only date model 10/10 women be less “straight” than guys who are attracted to and date regular looking girls? If you only go after the top 1% are you even attracted to the whole(hole?)
what is the age of young adults?
Do you agree with the statement "loli is pedophilic"?
What color do you think school buses should be?
What civilization/country comes to mind when you hear the word "Ancient"?
So is it "For fuck's sake" or "For fuck sake", because I'm writing a work email and it needs to sound professional?
petition to rename the united states of America to __________
I wish I was a kiwi with human level intelligence
Why do people do so many fill in the blanks?
Which one is your favorite?
What’s a "harmless" opinion that will still get people mad?
What am I? "In a honking ..."
I wish for a pepperoni pizza