uni interview outfit?
best way to transport canvases?
reapplying with similar art portfolio
how to suppress delusional /paranoia thoughts??
Euphoria/manic-like drugs?
sfe funding
feeling wired starting sertraline = normal?
How/when to pick up prescriptions?
[NO SPOILERS] does double exposure run okay on switch?
uk art unis
can’t make friends
if i buy extra storage just for one month, will all of my data that’s already over the free 5gb be deleted?
painting with distorted colouring styles (?kinda)
[TOMT][GAME][1990s] educational animal-based CD game
weird horse on fire in a lake?
womp womp
idk man i didn’t plan this far ahead
i love my gp!!!
i need help choosing a uni
Do life drawings fall under “photographic work”?
foundation + extended BA loans?
am i being irrational?
[PC][2010-2016] 2000s style chat room, indie game?