What is your favorite Sinatra cover?
Did you get used with time to Bob Dylan's voice or it was an instant hit for you?
One of the very few issues I have with ACU is the nose prosthetic..
Tim other Chalamet on meeting Bob’s grand nephew, Milo Dylan
What is the biggest Dylan sleeper song in your opinion?
What is something you have created about Bob or because of Bob?
What Dylan song are you currently obsessing over?
What unfair curb moment fills you with the most rage?
MGK Insta Post
Photo of Bob while he was in college
Best Intro?
Bob Dylan’s early girlfriends
Did the Tempest 2012 shirt debacle ever get solved?
Bob Dylan Heaviest Song ???
I feel dumb for misinterpreting Boots of Spanish Leather
Do you associate any Bob Dylan song with certain kind of weather?
Don’t understand the reactions to the new vid AT ALL
I believe Dylan loves dogs. Show me Dylan with dogs pics.
Basement doodle
Is it okay to store wet oil paintings in a closet
Genuinely what is happening in this photo
I feel like we moved past this too fast
Bob broke out a ten year old shirt for The Last Waltz
Thought this was kinda funny
Rick with Dylan at the Lonestar Cafe in NYC in 1983.