Enemy idea: Battery
Tell me your favourite Dead ahead Z warfare unit…
Dd2 slimes are very similar to the farmstead crystals
Favorite Quotes?
Is there any reason in partcular of why the undead, liches in most part use so much frost magic
In the new video, was the match doomed from the start?
What did y’all think of the new video?
"Great adversity has a beauty, it is the fire that tempers the blade.
Why the Dark Moon should be feared ?
Has someone made a necromancy for dummies?
Hey, i recently knew there was a election. Vote me, i will do nothing
I have returned to these lands after being dead for so long. What happened in my absence?
Dumb thought about Thorns in the game
Choir of thorns blue flames
Spectral owl not dissapearing after crone's death. Still has a hitbox.
Waste: An infected in a firefighter suit that poisons those that pops his infectious sacks. (Yes, he pops upon contact by melee or by a bullet, including arrows).
Now that we are near the first anniversary of the game, how did your thoughts changed overtime and if you are new, how do you find the game?
Do we know anything about the Lore?
Allowing in?
Favourite OST of Kingdom rush Universe
Can someone explain this to me?
What is the actual temperature of the blue energy?
First draft of ???, a possible evolution of the hypnotist that completely converted into a energy ball. It can destroy itself to summon a blast of pure energy. Tell me what you think?