My mono cosplay mask (the full cosplay is still Work in progress)
Here’s this Rosalina beast I made
Fav bendy song (fanmade or not) that isn’t build our machine?
A 2nd Joke of the ships
I made a dogman plushie
jeffrey stoerw
Should I get this official bundle of the dogman plushie and the first book on Amazon?
What type of Corruption do you like?
My corruption mod teasers (based phantom fears og mod)
More teasers
My corruption mod conpect (Funkin Corruption: Teo weakness)
I made my own bendy cutout
Sega Genesis ROM Hack: Teo and friends: The video game Includes: 2 player: Leo and co-op mode/2 player mode COMING SOON
Showing my stuff
My bendy plush what you think?
Teo's infinite Aethos teaser (my mod)
Guys I need help for my baby in yellow mod
Should I make a custom HatKid plush?