Please recommend binge-worthy TV shows
How can Dina be so crude to humans but so generous with animals?
Who’s the hottest girl at Superstore if Amy is just the second hottest?
S1 E5 couch
Superstore gets BEST at Ep. 6, Season 1 - DONT QUIT YET !
Mateo and Jeff opinions?
Best show with 2 seasons. Maximum 3.
But you waited six years for 🥹
What do you think is the theme song for individual characters of Superstore? You can choose one character and a song you think suits them.
Day 4: Emotional Episode
Jonah can really kiss
Who's that character you don't really like?
Why do you guys things Jonah is so endearing ?
Jonah’s smirk 😏
I love seeing Jonah w Amy’s kids and I am very much thankful that the writers made Sandra a Simmosa Advocate
Picture This : What do you think Jonah did after Superstore closed down but before the finale’s montage
I just realised another tie in between Episode 1, Season 1 and The Last Episode of Season 6
I really really want to get into this show.
Which character are you most like?
What is your emotional support character?