Are abusive men on the rise or have they always been this way?
A little Boston Terrier puppy I got to play with that repeatedly tried to bite my Dragon Tales plushie.
AIO for not wanting my partner to drive after two drinks?
Dasher. Porch lights or house numbers
17 year old caught with vapes and a knife misdemeanor and felony.
Is this what I think it is? CP?
Is this normal? I always thought I was supposed to fix nail holes before moving out?
Drinking alcohol to dull the brain
My neighbor chucks her dog poop over the back fence
AIO for not wanting to go to my friends house because of her dad
ULPT: If you shit directly into the sound hole of a guitar, it will smell really bad.
Hate these mfs
We all hate these things right?
What would you do with my prison shower?
I think my roommates are spying on me
Japanese ink art illustration by me in Los Angeles, California
What ethnicities’ food, other than your own, do you cook/eat most often?
Sleeper build house
Never could have expected this
Am I Overreacting for being hurt by my wife's words?
I just tried beating my shii with a toilet paper roll
Windchimes don’t belong in shared dwellings
Help, need advice on my boobie cactus.
Bird of Paradise Diseased?
Should we paint anything else??
Alright this one is a big one. Regrets.
Regretting going with the wrong animal