Which legacy should I take next? Have only started the Blood, Glory, and Kin trees and I'm only making 7.5 Renown/month
Why would you get out of tribal gov type?
Any war tactics I should know about?
So how does this work - woman inherited her father's title despite having an older, legitimate brother? Is it a bug or am I missing something?
García is the heir to the Kingdoms of Castille and León but there's no acceptance penalty for matrilineal marriage. What's up with that?
Is it even possible to play tall while tribal?
how to get VV men at arms as dutches matilda
Impossible to recover from the Black Death?
This event doesn't take into account that being a witch is virtuous to my religion
How can I absorb Dubhlinn peacefully ?
I was just taking about the time I murdered your wife and how none discovered that, my liege. Any memories to share?
Scheme says ready but won’t go through?
Has the legitimacy penalty actually stopped any of you from marrying the first lowborn genius you find?
I’m getting assassinated every 10 years and it’s making it impossible to do empire of the north seas. Am I missing something?
Intrigue v. Opinion for Spymaster
New player: is there any way to request land from an ally?
Is leasing out holdings to your holy order whenever they ask for it essentially just free money or are there downsides I’m not seeing?
Can Tribal Jewish rulers raid overseas?
My vassals won’t convert faith or culture in their areas?
My first time seeing a Apostolic emperor. Hes been ruling for four years with no revolts
I spent so much gold on this inspiration and this is what I get
Through careful inbreeding and staying up until 2 a.m. , I went from William the Conqueror to The Roman Empire.
What do i do in this situation
This might be the shittiest famed artifact I've ever seen
How exactly does the HCA limitation on external inheritance work?