My mom always warned me not to talk to strangers growing up.
"Daddy, tell me one more time about what we are going to do in Disneyland," the little girl asks.
I was told that I was only allowed to use one sentence to prove my worth to the world, or I would die.
Her baby, too hungry and malnourished to even cry anymore, just lay quietly in her cot waiting for a mother that would never come.
"Do we really have to drink the water out of the toilet; it smells funny," she asks her mom.
"No one even likes you, so why don't you just die!"
I was a devout Catholic that followed the bible and never even commited the mildest of sins until I had a near death experience.
After seeing my wife going through months of agonizing torture, I finally agreed to her pleas and smothered her with a pillow.
My daughter died today on her birthday after a long and dragged-out battle, which devastated my wife and me.
I was shocked and angry when I heard my son speak for the first time.
My son fell into the water the trying to save my wife from drowning, so I had very difficult choice to make.
The baby laughed at the screen as she tried tracing the line with her finger while mimicking the beat.
I got a phone call today telling me that my wife and two daughters had been killed when their car went off the road.
"Please just let me see my wife," he pleaded to the nurse blocking the doorway, "one last time before she dies."
After the doctor changed my wife's medication, she started becoming more and more distant before leaving me altogether.
My momma told me that if you stare at the sun long enough while squinting, you can just about make out the gates of hell.
There were 5 syringes laid out on the table in front of me, and I knew that I was supposed to take one, so I had to be smart about it.
"My husband punched me while I was holding the baby, and when I fell, he started kicking us until the baby stopped crying."
I promised my wife that she would be the only one that I would ever make love to.
"Don't you dare look under my skirt, you dirty little thing," the woman shouts as the boy bends over and tries to have a peek.
"Mommy, can I have just one more treat, please?" the little girl pleaded to her angry mother sitting on the couch stuffing her face with chips.
As I was walking a dark alleyway one night, a child suddenly appeared in front of me and said, "Tell me a story, and I'll tell you if you're lying or not," so I did.
I was wondering why my wife wasn't up and getting the kids ready for school, so I went to check on her
I was driving that old school bus for 30 years, and it never gave me an ounce of trouble until that dreadful day.
"Your son said he's finding it hard to fit in with the other pupils because they all look the same," the teacher complained.