[gen 9] If the shiny you’re hunting doesn’t have a matching ball which do you use?
[gen 3] Kefka the shiny Koffing
My best find at a thrift store. Sorry to whoever donated it :)
Cracking a cold one with my wifes boyfrend!!!
[gen 9] hunting this while color blind sucks!
[gen 9] being red green colorblind and hunting applin sucks!
My first giveaway
Top comment gets to name him!
How is Galar Mr.Mine in feather ball possible?
benzo induced incest
Help me evolve graveler
Late night egg roll
Late night egg rol
Grubbin to get me hands on the Willy
42 [m4f] any gamer girls?
Oh I like this
Too Rude To Knock
I don’t understand kpins
[talk] Finally made my 2025 Bingo card, some rows are more forgiving than others.
[gen 8] I finally caught it after going 4x over odds
(Gen8) 4x over odds but I finally got it!
Whenever I take alp i cant stop thinking about railing my sister
What is the interaction if I do this?
Evolution Brake Lights not working
How to adjust a speed limiter on your evolution golf carts works for all models and years