How should i approach a priest about scrupulosity?
How should we interpret "as soon as possible" regarding the will to confess? Literally?
What would constitute perfect contrition and the will to confess as soon as possible?
How did the early church confess sins?
How can you find (and cultivate) hope?
Is it an infallible teaching that scrupulous people can "assume it's not sinful" when doubting? + official sources of Church stance on scrupulous?
How should i approach a priest about a "life" confession?
Is lent penitence a vow, the kind you need a priest to lift?
Is lenten penitence a private vow? Do i need a priest to lift it?
Can i change/dispensate my lenten penitance? Or do i need a priest to do it?
Can lenten penitence be changed at will? Or do i need a priest?
How do we reconcile Mary not having birth pains with the representation of the Woman in revelations having pains?
Examples of doctrines and beliefs that came from Oral tradition?
Why do you like Mary so much?
Do we have to undo things that resulted from sin?
Do we have to backtrack things to before a sin?
Mary as Mom
Regarding anxiety and violating your own conscience
What would be an adequate act of penance in substitution of friday penance?
Having to pay for content in a AAA game is extremely new light-phobic
Bungie: "Yes, you can upgrade to the Deluxe Edition to access the Dungeons. We will also add a separate access path in the future."
Bungie clarifies: Y5 Dungeons are not part of Standard WQ, or Y5 Seasons -- ONLY through WQ Deluxe, or a separate (TBA) Dungeon purchase path
Gamers, what is your opinion on fallout 4?
What is your favourite theory on why we haven't discovered alien life?
What makes DOGE a good investment right now?