My object show may be abandoned :/ (ANOTHER GENERIC OBJECT SHOW NEWS REPOST)
Everyone of II as participants are gone... -_-
My object show may never be finished…. (ANOTHER GENERIC OBJECT SHOW NEWS REPOST)
just watched hfjONE for the first time and TPOT for the second time (its been a while so i forgor some stuff), any recommendations for other object shows?
If an object show was to become a show on Netflix or another streaming app, which one in your opinion would it be? (Image unrelated)
My object show may never be finished
If this happened to Your OC, What would be written on their inanimate body?
If this happened to the contestants, What would be written on their inanimate bodies
Object Terror started OK but ended badly, now what object show started off good but ended bad?
Fruity Island Redux 1
What are your favorite character design tropes/elements in object shows? (Image unrelated)
Trying to make a OS on Alight motion wew
My characters in the II thing.
Shape World was bad all the way through, now which object show started ok but ended bad?
updated Intro { this is theme Updated its not finished }
what thing you wished object shows did more in terms of storyline?
I feel like dying (image not related)
I don't know should I make an episode or make an entire series
Giving my acrylic paint containers more personality (sorry if it's hard to see, I only had a graffiti marker that's gold colored)
My BURNER tier list. If you don't like it, nicely explain your opinion :)
I decided to put the entire BFB cast for you guys to feel nostalgic
Y’ALL IT’S THE LAST CHARACTER AND ASSET I NEEDED TO START ANIMATING!! (First ep of Another Generic Object Show soon!?)
The saddest episode I watched since ONE 18
Draw your OC in this pose and why they are here. (He was really mean to the other Circus members and is UFE)
Have you ever drew something that youre OC would probably not do? (image related)
Just a question