Let’s see those dream sets!
Trey on LivePhish?
Lucky to be alive at the same time as phish!
Favorite Phish lyrics... GO!
What one song (studio or live) makes you the most emotional? Or gives you that transcendental moment that is unmatched?
Why all the hate today? I got on at 1246pm and scored tix to pitts and spac.
Chasing Songs? Or have you caught a song they haven’t played in forever?
What is your cant miss stop on summer tour??
First live song
Why don’t I fully get it
I won big
Jam bands with the best singers.
Does anyone have multiples of the same pedal(s)?
First solo show!
My First Phish Tickets
Are phish show’s just as much fun by yourself?
What was Phish’s worst year?
Favorite Phish songs to listen to while having sex?
What’s that one specific live individual song or sequence that you hold special to you?
Best jams on Spotify
What would you like them to play if they were the halftime act?
Songs that bother you
What book have you reread the most?
LOTTERY - lets hear what you scored!!!
My professor walked in wearing a Phish vest