Fanfiction series: Galactic Civilizatons: Resistance Episode 5
Galactic Civilizations: Resistance Episode 5: The blockade
-All supplies have been loaded aboard - Ryan Eur said on the bridge of the Valkyrie.
-All systems are ready - Alden Gae said. - We are good to go.
-Good - Jenna Casey said. - Inform the Prosecutor that they are the flagship now and, if we are not back within a week, they are to proceed to search for a planet to colonize.
Message was sent.
-Prosecutor confirmed that message was received - Helene Mye said.
-Good - Jenna said. - Let’s go, then. Helm, set a course to just outside sensor range of the Yor blockade around the Altaria system. Stop us there. Maximum speed.
TAS Valkyrie left the fleet and entered hyperspace, heading in the direction of Altaria.
While the Valkyrie was in hyperspace, everyone aboard was making preparations for what would happen once they reach their current destination. Most were preparing for running the blockade, while others were preparing for, well, mutiny. But everyone was being very serious about it.
Finally, the Valkyrie exited hyperspace q aww see the sensor range of the Yor blockade around the Altaria system.
-We arrived at our destination, colonel - Miremba Cea said.
-And the Yor ships? - Jenna said. - Are they unaware of our presence?
-Affirmative, captain - Daf Kra said. - I am detecting no changes in their movements. Nor any new communication.
-Good - Jenna said. - Scan for the biggest hole in the blockade. We will get to its position outside the sensor range, then go through that hole at full speed and get in range of Altarian defenses before the Yor attacks us. Since Terran ships are faster than these of the Yor, even with their robotic abilities, it should work.
-Is that your entire plan, colonel? - Ben Ans said. - Run through a hole and hope they won’t catch us up?
-Yes - Jenna said. - You knew it was going to be like that. You could stay with the fleet.
-We thought that you had something prepared - Ben said. - But now… We see that you are crazy and unfit for command.
-This is not your call to make - Jenna said. - And, wait… “we”?
-Yes - Ryan Eur said. - More of us are unhappy with how you are commanding the Resistance, colonel. We demand you step down immediately and we will return to the fleet at once, rather than trying this madness…
-I will do no such thing - Jenna said.
-Then you leave us no choice - Ryan Eur said, then walked to the communication station, threw Helene Mye off itr and activated it.
-Colonel Casey is trying to run the Yor blockade with just speed - he said. - This is going to get us all killed. We must stop her…
At this moment, he was stunned by a shot from Chris Mue. Amare Que quickly stunned Ben Ans.
-Anyone else here wants to mutiny? - Jenna said.
No one on the bridge said so.
-Colonel, I am receiving reports of fighting all over the ship - Amare Que said as soon as he got to his station.
-We weren’t fast enough - Jenna said.
-Colonel, I am getting strange readings from him - Chris Mue, who was near Ryan Eur, said. - It appears that… He’s Thalan.
-So, we have one of our infiltrators - Jenna said. - I guess this entire mutiny is their doing.
-But Ben Ans is 100% human - Chris Mue said.
-They certainly managed to manipulate some humans against us - Jenna said.
Alex Ver and Qi Carn were in the hangar bay when the words of Ryan Eu came through the comm system.
-What does that mean? - Qi said.
-That means, we have a problem - Alex said. - We have to go help…
At this moment, someone fired at them, but fortunately missed. Alex and Qi quickly took cover behind one fighter.
-It looks like we have a mutiny - Qi said. - And we don’t know who is on our side.
-Let’s take a look at the situation - Alex said and carefully moved out of the cover to look around. He saw that, by that point, two groups had formed up on the other side of the hangar bay and were shooting at each other.
Suddenly, a voice came from the comm system:
-Those who don’t want to die on a suicide mission, get out of the hanger bay.
Immediately, one group made it to the doors, left the hangar bay. Alex and Qi quickly approached the other group.
-Are you with the rightful commander of this ship? - Alex said. - Are you with Colonel Casey?
-Yes - they said.
-Then get the EV suits and put them on - Alex said. - And grab something. I think this place will soon be decompressed.
Alex, Qi and everyone in the group went to do that. Most succeeded before the hangar bay door opened, but two members of the group did not and were flushed out into space with just half the EV suits on.
-What should we do now? - one of the members of the group said.
-Let’s get to engineering and secure it - Alex said. - We will try to contact colonel Casey then.
The entire group approached one of the doors, opened them, quickly went through them and closed them behind themselves. They then went to engineering,collecting some more loyalists on the way and shooting a few mutineers.
Finally, they reached engineering., It was under heavy attack from the mutineers. Fortunately, Alex and his group managed to surprise them and quickly take them down. Most were stunned, but a few were killed.
-Good to see you - Alden Gae said once he saw them.
-Yes - Alex said. - Do we have access to the comms?
-Yes - Alden said. -I will put you through.
-Colonel Casey, this is captain Alex Ver - Alex said. - We have control of engineering. Do you read me?
-Yes, captain - Casey responded. - That’s good. We are slowly taking back the ship, but the mutineers still control the secondary bridge. Their current leader, Amanda Rast, is there as well. Hopefully, if we capture her, they will surrender.
-We will get there - Alex said.
He left some people in engineering and then he and the rest of his people (including Qi) left it and went toward the secondary bridge.
A lot of mutineers were there, but they were quite quickly put down. Alex and his forces breached the bridge and Alex and Qi approached Amanda Rast with their weapons drawn.
-We won - Alex said. - Now, surrender and nothing will happen to you and anyone else.
-Well done - Amanda said. - Well done, humans. I guess I should have done that, right?
-You will do it or I will shoot you myself - Alex said.
-All right, all right - Amanda said. - All mutineers, surender. You will not be killed.
All mutineers surrendered.
-Colonel Casey to captain Alex, thank you - Jenna then said through the comms.
-That’s nothing, colonel - Alex said.
Ryan Eur, Ben Ans and Amanda Rast were all subsequently taken to the brig and everyone else returned to their stations.
-All right, now that we have this behind us, let’s run this blockade - Jenna said. - We have to get to Altaria. Hopefully the Yor didn’t detect us yet.
-Course set, colonel - Miremba Cea said after a moment.
-Engage - Casey said.
The Valkyrie entered hyperspace.
-We are closing to the Yor blockade - Daf Kra said. - Yor ships detected us. They began to close the gap.
-Can we get there in time? - Jenna said.
-I think so - Miremba said.
-Keep us straight - Jenna said.
The Valkyrie went forward. Yor ships were closing on it.
-We passed the blockade perimeter - Daf said. - Yor ships are still closing fast.
-Will we reach Altaria before they reach us? - Jenna said.
-Likely - Daf said.
-When they get close, drop out of hyperspace and prepare missiles to fire - Jenna said.
They passed an uninhabited planet in the system. Not long after, 5 Yor shops reached the Valkyrie. Valkyrie exited hyperspace and, to not overshot it, Yor ships dropped out of hyperspace behind it.
-Fire missiles, all launchers! - Jenna said.
Valkyrie launched missiles. They hit two Yor ships and destroyed them.
-Three Yor ships are still closing fast - Daf said.
-All weapons free - Jenna said.
Valkyrie opened fire. One more Yor ship was destroyed, but two other closed on Valkyrie and opened fire.
-We are losing shields, colonel - Daf said. - We won;t survive for long…
At this moment, he detected new ships incoming.
-Colonel, more ships are incoming - Daf said. - They’re Altarian!
Altarian ships flew above the Valkyrie and opened fire at the two remaining Yor ships, quickly destroying them.
-Set a course for Altaria - Jenna said. - Send my thanks to the Altarian ships.
-They received our thanks - Helene Mye said. - They will escort us to Altaria.
-Good - Jenna said.
The entire fleet went to Altaria and they soon entered orbit around the planet.