‘We will soon be next’: German leaders sound alarm on Trump’s Ukraine plan
Welche Uni ist die beste für einen Physik Master in Berlin? HU, TU oder FU?
ich (34m) kann Haus nicht verlassen, hatte nie Freundin und bin Frührentner ama
Vorbereitungskurs für Physik Studium
Is wearing a drindl/ lederhose embarrassing for German people who are not from Bayern?
Studentenhass von Nicht-Studenten
Studienabbruch (ein kleiner Rant)
Has Halloween died down across Germany?
Wie fange ich mit Physik an?
German Masters grade of 2.36 ? How bad is it ?
What is the bud light of Germany?
Meine Schwester (18) hatte noch keine Periode und Ärzte nehmen sie nicht ernst
Hilfe 😫
Tropico 2 Remake
Who is she peter?
In your opinion, what is the best city in Germany and why?
Honor mode myrkul idiot proof build? Please
Which unpopular NPC is your one true love?
What Small Writing Changes Would You Recommend?
What’s a Decision in the Game that You Refuse to Make?
Job für 15/16 jährige
Why was splitscreen Coop Campaign removed in Halo 5 and Infinite?
What is the male equivalent to flowers?
Would Atriox mop the floor with Thel 'Vadam?
Multiplayer hurts