Sorry just venting 😭
prednisone induced acne
why no caffeine for UC?
cold/flu and bleeding
cold/flu during flare
MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 Ya filthy animals!
pickled veggies?
Who is your favorite FEMALE character in fantasy and why?
how common is it for symptoms to regress after prednisone?
“safe” beverages? refreshing non carbonated
How quickly does prednisolone work?
i think my new medication is WORKING!!!
instagram support group
book gift for someone who’s favorite book is name of the wind
favorite female content creators?
What side do you sleep on?
subtle signs long before you were diagnosed?
How old are we?
In a flare. No energy. Body aches. Fevers. ??
My story
Least favorite thing about UC
carbonated bevs?
seed oils?