When I finally get my favorite champion, Ziggs (+20% damage taken) but then I see that the enemy has a Qiyana (+15% damage done) (She will oneshot me with one Q)
what happened to dokuro, as of right now. he disapeared since november 2023
Any solution to infinite reconnecting bug? Thanks for -89
I did my first Brann pivot today and holy shit...
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
My personal opinions on Hextech chests.
4th chest from the new pass, these chests are really bankrupting riot with these expensive rewards
Shane wins for L, who will win for M?
A champion you dislike playing for a very petty/irrational reason?
Is there any free way to play ATM10 with my gf?
Did they just completely take the skin rarity glow out of the game? Little nit picky but for me it added a lot
LF server in Australia
Is ATM10 more ready to play now?
We don't need 9 icon rewards in a single season pass
Is this cause by a calamity add-on? My weapon is using mana
Why do many mages become supports at some point?
I dont even like league of legends, its just all I have
Say here who your favorite champion is, and the community will tell which game you play the most besides league
I have achieved the TRUE implicator
Už kalíte, nebo je jestě brzo a kalej jen alkoholici? Ptám se pro kamaráda.
How to play against leona?
How do I kill this wither? he has 3000 hearts and he messes with my movement
The latest patch fucked my saves, including campaign(rexxar)saves which i was playing lately
WC3 1.66 GB Update Today
Typical bot lane of mine