I’m ending my relationship today 😭
TIFU by reading a label wrong and destroying my health
My[21F] boyfriend[21M] addmitted to watching his friend mastrabate
Leslie accidentally flashed her kitty on live just now
moved in 2 days ago
can you stop getting your period with kyleena after 5 months?
Are we deadass.
Guy I’m seeing keeps calling me fat. I like him but I’m really sensitive
Beard or no beard. Would like the opinion of both genders.
This is a long shot, but are Jenny and Lotts on here?
Scrolling through Pinterest and…
Please pick for me. Torn.
AITA for possibly ruining a surprise for myself?
My Gf 18f recently told me 18m she’s pregnant after I tried breaking up with her, how do i leave?
Should I go buy more booze or go to bed?
Not OOP AITA for asking my GF if she can take a shower?
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
I'm at a loss for words.
Sorry if this is a stupid question lol
Well gorls
WIBTA if I deleted a game off of my boyfriends phone
AIO? Sister in Law told me to get a psychiatrist because I didn’t want my kids to spend the night.
Connected with this girl from practice and she just texted me this! is she asking me out for a date?
So many comments of people wanting them
Exactly what I wanted to know from the electric kettle reviews