Made a sticker while filming a video that I feel you all can relate to
Does the cricut maker need “WiFi” turned on to connect?
Update Thread! Cricut Design Space v9.7.63(March 17, 2025) , iOS v5.110.0, android v5.102.0
This might be a dumb question, but how can I close the canvas with my current project without restarting Design Space? Whenever I restart DS, it always opens with the last project that I worked on and I would rather start with a clear canvas.
Hello everyone! I’ve recently become a Cricut Maker owner through rather unfortunate circumstances.
Starting today, design space has lowered my print size maximum for print then cut
Does adding heat to an old design make it stick again?
Did I know this was going to happen? Yes, did I try it anyway? Yes.
Why is design space AIing my letters
Cricut Maker 3 continuously disconnects
Getting a design from Canva to Design Space
Where to find removable vinyl not made by Cricut? (Does it exist?)
Prospective Buyer Question Thread Christmas 2024-April 2025
NEWBIE - Please Help
Cricut Markers
Newbie here ✨
Lost all my settings after the last update (Explore Air 2)
Best way to make clothes
Iron-on suggestions for stretchy cotton?
New User Intro/Question Thread Christmas 2024-April 2025
Can cricut deep cutting blades be used with regular housing accessory?
What is your favorite portrayal of sisterhood in a period drama?
How do I get rid of this?
Is there an option to turn OFF the font preview?
Cricut mat kinda curled