Amid environmental concerns, billionaire family plans to build housing in NJ forest
What goes on in this part of jersey?
Citizenship by Descent (for those prepping to leave the USA)
My beloved little city yard - little sunlight, so designed as a shade garden.
Holi festival in india.
Karen goes ballistic on staff over missing curly fry at Jack
Save our Aquifer
Valentina Gomez, who ran for election for Missouri Secretary of State and lost in the Republican primary advocates for public executions
Some hellebores from my garden
Good morning! Could someone help me identify this strange cocoon/nest on my peach tree?
Which vine or climbing plant would you choose for a walk through trellis in your garden?
Another reminder that there's so many species beyond the "cute" ones.
Road rage
MAGA attempts to enter bar and was kicked out by owner. Then complains about discrimination
Natalie’s Latest..👍 or 👎
What’s growing in my blueberry bush?
Monet tells us how she really feels about Arrietty 💀
I’d rather watch someone serve infinite cunt in 50$ drag than these 2nd mortgage runway portfolios and overcurated reality tv personalities. I know these girls work so hard it’s just… Idk maybe I’m getting old.
When you finally find a gardening meme in the wild
Advice on how to fix this puddle?
In a nutshell for Astral observation.
Riding Season is Approaching
Question: rat poison in garden two months ago, safe to vegetables?
Guys be honest did I accidentally grow a blade of grass.
How is one supposed to do consistent workout, with all the side effects from statins - like back pain, muscle pain