ISO large dog kennel, for rescue.
Wonderful narrative at LVO!
Canada Lawmaker Suggests Letting 3 US States Join, Get Free Health Care
Anybody here kitbashed Nagash to change his skelepope hat for something else?
PSA: Druid class is great at everything!
Morning/afternoon all! Welcome to Black Libraries first ama.
Does anyone have info on this neighborhood? (crime/safety, homeless camps, schools, etc.)
What was going in at Oakmont in the late 90's?
Avatar of khaine
French Sounding Title (M2TW)
Does anyone know of a kit with open dragon wings that could fit an AoS Star Drake?
KCRA has another fun graph
‘Batgirl’ Film Axed By Warner Bros., Won’t Be Released on Any Platform (Confirmed)
Be on the lookout for a pyro downtown. Someone lit this porch on fire last night around 9pm on 11th and D. At the 45 second mark the second video is a friend’s house on 11th and F that had its porch lit on fire that ultimately destroyed the complex May 21st. I can’t help but think they are related.
Nurglized Mega Gargant sculpt
im looking for a basing material to get the look of these forest floors
AoS and technology
The Food Circus
KCRA graph on the 7pm news.
Graphic on local news tonight
Any idea what kits these are from?
The Beforeigners Dictionary
Nurgle-ized Maw Krusha aka Rot Krusha
Son can no longer be my physician (after granting title?)
Can anyone tell me what kit this bundle of skulls is from?