What’s the biggest travel mistake you’ve ever made, and what did you learn from it?
Do not ever visit Egypt
Second Time in Egypt
It has been 5 years since Covid was declared a pandemic.
Cabo or Key West
Does anyone have a problem with gift/souvenir shopping while traveling abroad?
Where can I find some elk meat
i hate the sun how do i escape?????
Traveling in London
Accidental witness to history?
Rome when the Pope passes
Stay in Jordan and visit Jerusalem or vice versa
Estern europe recommendations
Your allergies acting up?
What hotel would you recommend in Amman?
Driving around Iceland in October
What to do? Buenos Aires
Trip report: one week in Jordan
I posted this in the "Ask South Africa" sub. For those familiar with South Africa, what areas should I consider? Are there any other countries in Africa I should consider?
Are you looking to adopt a dog?
Layover in Bogota, need to fill out mig form?
4 day trip, Côte d'Azur (Nice)
I've done almost no traveling in my life, any tools you'd recommend for prep and budgeting?
Any experience on Latam airlines?
Travelling to Hong Kong - Help deciding Macau vs Guangzhou