Bungie just do it..........PLEASE
The skin colour is infuriating in the colored parts [just because I can control darkness doesn't mean I'm a villain]
Customer Service Chat Agent tip's and tricks
The song being played on Eris's radio is called Discipline and its by Skye Lewin, Michael Salvatori, Josh Mosser and Michael Sechrist
What cable fits into this?
Outjerked again
What are these globs in The Nether?
Low discount variant
Grenades go boom
Choose youre representative
Pantheon MMO GM Issues
Pokelawls calls Asmongold a loser and racist
Which one do you guys prefer and what would you do to make armamentarium better?
They will never be happy
Bolt Charge is proccing The Fundamentals perk on Hard Light
Mecha supremacy
"Human can youstop saying (scotland exists)? Our data doesn't say it does exist"
To help humans feel at home, aliens wear clothing from human culture.
Tesla Dealership, Seattle, WA, January 27, 2025
Real content
Chatgpt Dialogue Tree
Here is the Grineer font
i need to post more often jeez
I want to believe in pure good characters