A Little Lakefront Florida City Is Unexpectedly Regarded As One Of The Most Dangerous In America
How can I dress better?
Gay couple from Canada a bit nervous about the visit…
If I ever moved away, this photo would make me homesick 😭
St Pete people rude?
Top 3 must go to Brunch and Dinner restaurants in Palm Beach!
Moving/Housing Thread - February 17, 2025
At what age do kids REALLY appreciate and enjoy Disney?
Recommendations on making friends in their late 20s/30s for a girl not into going out drinking or the beach?
Things Bethany never leaves the house without
"you look good for someone..." caption at the end [may have formatting issues in caption, sorry]
Ash is now an IUD removal expert
Lightning Lane recommendations for a 17-month-old at Magic Kingdom?
Favorite brands of ethically made, sustainable maternity AND baby clothing?
Florida roadtrip in March
Things are difficult.
Autie answers questions about being pregnant with their chronic illness issues.
My baby hasn’t let anyone else hold her since she was 4 months old and she’s almost a year now. I’m losing my mind.
“when my nurse tells me to cover up with a shirt (wearing this in my room) for her comfortability but she shoved an enema up my butt 30 min ago” (they/them only)
Can vegan butter be used in a butter crock/butter keeper like this one?
Olivia Rodrigo on first dates asks men if they want to go to space. If it's a yes, then she doesn't continue to date them.
New research on female video game characters uncovers a surprising twist - Female gamers prefer playing as highly sexualized characters, despite disliking them.
my.eds is back in the hospital (they/them only)
Ashley & J are saving up to move in together … by making chicken noodle soup
Can I have hand foot and mouth disease but NOT the baby??