Here to praise Mikanko's good name
This is one of the coolest mats I’ve ever seen
Astellar and Elzette pixel art by @zeka_pixel (from Twitter)
Mujica Bangumi rating drops to 4.6
I have finally beaten Fire Emblem: Engage after 70 hours. Here are my thoughts.
So is Konami going to ban Gimmick Puppet FTK instead of relying off failing to draw Droll?
Which praised deck(s) do you actively despise?
To commemorate Valentine's Day please tell us your all-time favorite couple/ship in cards
From 8.7 to 7.8: Bilibili is on Fire over ep 7
Why are some Chinese fans of the series so pathetic?
Bangumi Rating for Mujica drops to 6.7. (Mygo is 8.2)
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica • Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast - Episode 7 discussion
Hope you all had good Royal Rare pulls
If it wasn’t for those meddling waifu’s
The Explosive Growth of MyGo & Ave Mujica
CYL9 final results
Gimmick Puppet is a very respectable and difficult deck
What are your thoughts on the Sky striker archetype in Yu-Gi-Oh?
Master duel carefully creating the worst format imaginable
Ave Mujica Episode 2: Opinion on Nyamu
New Selection Pack: Dragons’ Reincarnation
has this been the most tedious format in recent memory?
Gimmick Puppet FTK
TCG Chronicles Anime Announced!
This DC is miserable