This mf Grant looks like Nigel Thornberry
My boyfriends high concoction: peanut butter on a burger
Trump says Ontario ‘shouldn’t be playing with electricity’
Which is the best Mario Party game on the Nintendo Switch so far?
A Family camping on Christmas Island invaded by Robber Crabs at their picnic!
What happened to the 9-5?
Eggs in WNY
Pretty sure I spotted filming in Boston
Oh lawd
Am I doing girl dinner right
How was S7 Garrett’s “glow up” #4 on the shocking moments list?
Ontario suspends 25 per cent export tax on electricity sent to U.S.
Golf Courses Open This Week?
What are your "10/10 you'll never watch again?"
I might be traumatized
Can someone take this man’s phone away?!?
Erie County Sheriff’s Chief hit seven cars but wasn’t charged
When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
“I don’t give a fuck, his name was Jimmy”
Acting Buffalo Mayor Chris Scanlon announces pothole repairs, $17M repaving plan
I'll give someone 5 bucks if they successfully guess what this is
Wedding Episode Thread
Monica and Joey Wedding
Mexican spaghettios
Lauren's other man posting on IG 🤣🤣