Tulin huijatuksi nettikaupoilla, sain pankilta "myyjän" nimen ja osoitteen: mitä lähettää?
Homous poliisissa
What do you guys do while listening to the episodes?
My son asked to read these types of books
another mini heart macrame I made for the neighbor's birthday with the watercolor dress I painted.
A Tribute to my Favourite Podcast
Bought this from a gardening store in Finland, the label said something along the lines of "mix of tiny plants". I bought two others that had their name on the pot but this little fella was not named.
This is always so satisfying. I wait to collect them together.
AITA for planning to send my daughter to a all girls school?
AITA for asking for my own PS4 back
AITA for telling my partner (20F) that she's the only one that can make herself happy?
LGBTQ books
I'll be sitting in an empty office for the summer, and I need some books to make it bearable.
Books about life struggles, melancholy feelings
AITA For wanting my husband to spend time with me and talk to me rather than be on different forms of social media the whole time he's with me?
The foggy Meadows last night
Your username is your only weapon in an apocalypse. How long will you last, and how will you die?
My latest hide (3D printed)
Your username and everyone else's usernames are trapped inside an arena. How long would you last?
People who drink black coffee, why do you think you’re better than everyone else?
Is this normal??
What order do you guys go in when collecting from the free energy spots? This is how I do my round, curious to see what others do
This hurts and I don’t know why
Full Marks Fire Crab Outfit - MEGATHREAD