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besides consciousness what makes the human brain superior than AI
Wait... You're Not a Baluchi Nationalist Yet?! 🎶 Greece ❤️ Baluchistan ❤️ Israel ❤️ Kurdistan ❤️
US Strikes Against Houthi Targets
Don’t be afraid to jump into typescript after learning vanilla/react/angular/vue.
Designed 2 versions of a website for a Preschool for first time.
In this diplomatic situation, no one has addressed the fact that both our countries are terrible
how come this sub not having mediterranean homosapien flaire?
Mediterranean in practice
habibi come to syria!
What is something that normal people enjoy it, narcissists don't?
Curdiostan, ngl idk why some have issue with it
Redditors who don't think they'll live a very long life, why and what made you think so?
Guys have you heard about the civil war in Yemen?
Simple 3D home office portfolio built with three.js (link in comments)
Turk == Greek = European == white
Female Singers Ranked by Their Lyrics and Singing
You call this terror?
oof ouch my order of operations
I was a bit late
The pounding session is still going on, no mercy for the takfiri Hezbollah terrorists, and no mercy for anyone who attacks Syria.
for the guys who had a positif shift on their lives. is it a single moment of realization or a long term slow change?
how to add error handling as a dev dependency in javascript
worke instead of worke