Is there a point to breaking down gear?
Going away and staying by the pool all day isn’t relaxing it’s just pointless
Gunner Build Notes
My son's current AD loadout. I know he's Airborne Advanced Infantry but I was curious what the individual pieces mean, and the cords. Thanks.
Got stuck behind one of the Forsaken in traffic the other day
Currently sidelined due to snow but spring is coming. 2014 XK. Need advice on all-season tires lmao
You will have 500 million dollars in exchange you must pick one english word and if you saw or heard that word again, you and your familly will die
How many of us have a closet full of dirty secrets?
2014 Jaguar XK - 44k miles - light it up
Any ideas what we can do with a random tunnel to nowhere in my office?
How Do People Stay at the Same Job Their Whole Career?
What are the "quiet" luxury brands known only to the ultra-wealthy?
What "dead" franchise would you bring back if you could?
New Guitar Day
Why won’t the swipe keyboard let me type certain phrases?
I barely sold my condo
Crazy Hoa rules!!
AITA for telling my family to shut up, get over themselves and to accept that I never wanted my son to have the names they like?
What Are Millennial Slang Terms You Still Use?
new pro "purple" is weaksauce
Triple bottom coming up. Watch Carefuly
The fact that there are a bunch of Warmind mods, and so few weapons to generate them, is a damn shame.
[US-MI] [H] WASD v3 [W] Paypal
Festival of the Lost: yet another rant
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