Do you think anyone from the Dedmon family/Underhill lured Asha? If so why?
Alyssa Seremet/ “your fav trophy wife”
Complaining about the price of flight ticket to Tyler
Did you find Nino attractive?
Taylor carries the entire franchise on her back
jordan and bret 😳
What is she hiding???
Similar Experiences?
Marah's parenting
Safa won 'horrible person - loved by fans'. Who's a good person but opinions are divided?
🤦🏻♀️ This is a FIRE HAZARD! Also doesn’t she cook.
Parker & Aspyn results
Soooo she’s a Christian now right?
That is the ugliest effing outfit I’ve ever seen.
Here comes the jealous comments again 😂
Witnesses seeing her run into the first/ into the forest
Cringefest 😂
Saw Nabela at the pop-up
Did y’all see Marah’s Comments Today?
Forced Internet Personalities
Babaton Guild Dress
Asad sisters stories vs. Stories everyone defending Palestine should be sharing