We’re being outjerked rn
Why does Caitlyn refer to Maddie as "someone"?
Question to Maddie haters aka 90% of the fandom: when did you start to hate her? (Pic Unrelated)
I’ve been made aware of some facts
All 6 Maddie fans, how are we doing?
This sounds like a lot more fun than scanning crates
we need more minifigures based on your dad
My honest reaction to PEAK incoming A.K.A. 'MY ADVENTURES WITH GREEN LANTERN' A.K.A. Hal Jordan public execution.
Finn is the one to go I guess, we'll miss his gorgeous golden jaw (I will not take kindly to Finn hate in the comments)
All Hasbro Megacon Reveals/QNA answers compiled
The devil is patient, after all - The Needle (Short story in comments)
Viktor confronts Jinx about her war crimes
Thieram is now voted out. And I kinda agree. Who's gonna be next?
Once again, I’ve cooked so hard I’ve set fire to the Topside…
Why did Jinx shoot a rocket at the moon? Does she think that there are gays there?
Viego, the ruined king has brought Jericho back from ugliness, let us rejoice! But we can't be too happy, since Benzo has been declared the 13th ugliest character in his place. Who's gonna be the 14th?
Metal jaw god voted off and I really don't know what to say. Vote for the next ugliest person in this fever dream of a poll
I was told to keep cooking, don't know if I burnt the food or not
Guys, when can we expect Arcane/Valorant crossover?
Homophobic Jinx and Straightphobic Caitlyn have a deep talk (FIXED..I HOPE)
what the pic says
Idk how to name this post, another gilf gone ig. Who's going to be the 11th ugliest character?
I’ve cooked so hard I burnt down the kitchen
“For love”
Favorite character you'd like to see as a League champion?