My ED food obsession resulted in me becoming a micro food influencer in my city
Fresh Sugarcane juice
Due to unexpected circumstances, I have only $9.67 in my account until next Friday, and decided to splurge on a small treat to make myself feel better. Hit with a hidden weekend surcharge which made things worse.
Spent a good hour looking for my cat, turns out she was right under my nose the entire time
Owning the dodgiest analogue scale that shifted its reading every time I moved, or looked at it funny, helped me learn to stop chasing specific numbers, and accept that my weight will always be in a fluctuating range
Wake up girlies, new zero cal cookie recipe dropped
Gallery photoshoot! (Ib by me, Mary by a friend)
It's the nut butters- it's always the nut butters
I ran into multiple old classmates today, but all they talked about was their internships and jobs, and I can't help but feel miserable knowing I've done nothing since graduating because I didn't expect to live this long
Idea: the council should just throw a dart at a map and turn Docklands' shopping district into "(country name) Town"
Applied for a data analytics job that happens to be for the Defence Force, but was disqualified because my BMI was too low
part of a balanced breakfast
When I was overweight, I wore only baggy clothes, because I felt too ashamed to wear tight fitting clothes unless I was underweight.
Struggling to keep food down due to extreme stress, so I might as well eat something that won't be so bad coming up if that happens
Shitty restriction food?? More like luxury restriction food in this economy 🥵🥚
Are there any best soft ice cream shops?
The bingemobile (my car)
My hands were trembling due to not eating well lately, resulting in me accidentally dropping my safe food while trying to take a photo, I'm absolutely devastated 😭😭
My first dental checkup in over two years came back... perfectly fine, and I don't know whether to feel relieved or invalid
Setting this community to "Posts must include an attachment," will help circumvent the misuse of the subreddit for venting or seeking advice on binge eating
The best support someone can offer to you when you're suffering from an ED, is not to force recovery, but ensure you're safe
Trying to eat more, so lately, I've been challenging myself to go out and visit all the shaved ice locations in my city (my ultimate safe food 😋)
The "depression shot" - hot tap water with two heaped teaspoons of instant coffee, and a skim milk chaser (for when you want to wake up, and don't have the time to sit down and enjoy a beverage)
Japanese curry and instant mashed potatoes in a serving size you'd probably give to a small animal (I'm the small animal)