20F - My dissertation is due in 6 days, could use a pick me up :)
What is the single most beautiful lyric you've heard or read?
Who's your least favorite character in this game?
Depression is hittin me hard
22F Could use a good toast ! 🫠❣️
What is this type of bridge called? And does anyone use it?
Adding up to 10! 883335682096
Who is your "screw META, I love this" character?
Steadfast in defense, unshakeable in offense.
Why are people hating a motorbike ?
Worried about a cat
Tried again a month later…
Do you have ridiculous names that you give your Pokémon? ( If you do please share it with me )
Zamazeta raid in 6 mins add 645192947258 for invites will invite immediately when raid starts
Shiny feeling! Let’s get it! Zamazenta, 1 local with PP 281140485047
605128335814 zamazenta raid 2 local
081116073146 zamazenta raid
3865 1902 4367 Zacian 2 locals
Zacian! add 552673116301
kyogre raid 5250 8510 1887
Kyogre raid 3 local 454493614429
576766119516, 2 locals
wb kyogre 2 locals 471016656655
Kyogre two local 714527919797
344006323996 kyogre raid on me add up