Please,help with identification
Would you rather have a Cap moon or an Aqua moon?
Purchased this mini 'Calathea Musaica Network' today and had to share her before she dies 🥲 (Goeppertia Kegeljanii)
Help with tissue culture Frydek Variegata
Uhh, so just bought Stadium Arcadium CD, listened to Jupiter and found out I have absolutely no idea on how to open this case to get the Mars CD
General admission/standing tickets missing?
Which placement
Give us your placements and let people in the comments decide if you're okay or not
In an alternate universe, who is the lead singer of RHCP?
Drop your big 3 and I'll stereotype you!
What red hot song is this?
What Gaga song is this?
Ranking stadium arcadium- day 4: song 4
Is this rare for a Thai con?
Best songs for babies?!
Day 5: Most emotional song
Day 1: Most underrated song
Help ID these eggs, friends or foes?
Help ID this beauty!
How are your birthdays people?
Gimme your big 3 and I’ll roast you to oblivion
I wanna grow herbs in my appartment (no balcony)
Humble brag dilemma
Etsy Importer To Avoid
My Frydek is flowering and suicidal 🥲