Recently a reference to Mirror's Edge was added to the The finals by ex Dice employees
Please help!!! I just got approved for the playtesting. but when i try to boot up the game i get stuck on this screen ( space doesn't do anything and i don't have a controller)
Just found this in my balls
What happened to this contestant ?
Deleting lights out of existence with a sledgehammer feels like a therapy
Sometimes I think Embark personally rigs matches against my team...
Clock is ticking
What do you think about my panda? did i cook?
Its the last night of countdown and absolute radio silence from RB. Predictions?
He’s confused but he’s got the spirit
What route you think payday 3 take from now on?
mfw I see another one of these godawful stupidly specific challenges
Best skins in ur opinion?
Newton's First claims another soul
Anyone else let down by the Circuit rewards so far?
Damn man, what have I done to you 🥺
r/minigun will not be oppressed! we must rise up against r/hangingonledges!!!! Post your favorite miniguns and don't let these "people" (ledgefiles) get the better of you
I've played this game for over 100 hours but I've never seen a spawn like this before
New update revealed
Could I still redeem this
If you ever think that your main doesn't get enough attention from Ubisoft in terms of skins. Just remember that the last skin for clash's shield came out 5 years ago.
Barry's morning routine
Palette swaps... niiice. I assume this is because Ubi knows people would just buy the older cosmetics off the marketplace. I hope this doesn't mean less new event cosmetics in the future.
Does anyone recognise the IRL counterpart of this red dot?