I dont even play meta decks man 😭
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:13
r/pikmin chess day 224: Some characters go to Board 1 for a tea break.
What's the most badass line in movie history?
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:12
whats your favorite Uncle Breasts line?
Dreamt 2 years ago that in the Pikmin Bloom app, a glitched Red Pikmin appeared on everyone's game named 'Uncle Breasts'. The UK was also hydrogen-bombed (I somehow survived) but that's irrelevent.
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:10
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day:11
I made a small Bonz retrain archetype and i would like some feedback on it
The next person to mention Donald Trump here will be ______.
Fun fact's! My first post be nice.
Real Life Dragonmaid Exist
Everytime Lawson makes a mistake I'll use this pic
You are strapped into a rocket thats about to launch and have no fucking training. What are you yelling to mission control as you take off?
What the FUCK
What should I do for my Birthday tomorrow?
He's back!
Posting a Yu-Gi-Oh themed skeleton meme everyday until Memento gets support day: 9
r/Pikmin chess day 221: A Bread Bug sits on a Board made of bread. Is he made of Board or is the Board made of flesh? He screams, for he does not know.
Happy pi day, spirits! How many decimals of pi do you know?
It's friday, so tell me what yall buying this Spring Sale
Maybe we have a chance?
Who's better waluigi or ouija