Who’s your favorite forgotten or underrated DC character?
Why are a lot of people with anime profiles so antagonistic?
I heard you guys like range. How about John Turturro?
Why do so many people still have no idea what to do for alchemy in circuit?
"i wish there was a way to get alot of endo" the humble scrap wreckage
Pablo's tweet: slams are most likely getting nerfed next bigger update
After many, many, MANY hours of farming I've finally done it.
I really don’t get Yorgos Lanthimos
If You Were In Need Of Help Which One Would You Call First?
What movie comes to mind when you see this man?
What’s the deal with rank 5?
I am quitting this game because it has destroyed my work life
Are the 60$ Giveaway post's even legit?
why is social media so full of negativity?
How is your love life?
It's always a good feeling when you get lucky with your login reward!
Is it feasible to max out all syndicates // is there any reason to?
So basically every job destroys you either physically or mentally you just have to choose which?
Give this a name
Does anyone else keep going on reddit even though you hate reddit?
What's a movie that you found really difficult to decide a rating for?
Give my Gauss prime fashion a name.
I cant take this anymore
Looking for a good beginner character that like a tank but also puts out a lot of damage