How to stop feeling unlovable?
How to not feel unlovable?
it hurts so bad seeing my ex happy and moved on with his rebound. did I mean nothing to him?
how long do rebounds last? will my ex come back after it ends?
how do people breakup with someone and block them and never talk to them or think about them again?
What was the last msg you sent ur ex
do you ever wonder what you’ve “done” to deserve what’s happened to you?
When you have the urge to message your ex, what is the one thing you say to yourself to stop you from doing so?
how to deal with the fact that he chose her?
how long did it take you to stop loving your ex?
i made this hehe
do guys ever miss their ex?
grieving someone who is still alive is a different kind of pain.
does anybody else have a gut feeling that their story isn’t over with their ex?
I miss you a little extra when..
Is it true that dumpees are HAPPIER in the end?
I built a boyfriend for somebody else.
If you healed or are healing from a breakup, what quote helped you the most?
valentines day.
What’s the worst thing your ex did but you still stayed?
Thoughts on your ex rebounding. Or rebounding in general.
Do you believe in the statement “they always come back” and why?
How many times have you rewatched the show?
How do you get past the regrets?
i don’t know anymore