Curlos is canonically ugly 🥲
Sheikh blames girl for her dad SA'ing her
Muhammad was definitely a feminist
Law of Attraction affecting me negatively
Artık kendimi tanıyamıyorum
I wish I never left Islam
Just found out about Sanrio Villagers. What the hell is this
Reality of muslim intellectuals
Erasmus soru cevap ve sohbet
me everyday
PSA :)
Apparently Times Square is closed off for praying taraweeh in Ramadan on the weekend
Becoming a “villain” is the best thing I’ve done
What is this thing behind Hopkins head?
How much has medication changed or helped you?
if you haven't jailbroken your kindle yet (esp folks using older models), do yourself a favour.
🛑 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi öğrencileri: “Kurtuluş yok tek başına. Ya hep beraber ya hiçbirimiz!”
Muslims literally sexualize anything
A poor girl wearing a niqab...
Im done trying
16 Years as a Graphic designer, 8 years as a Photographer, ruined by AI
"Future Past"